Holidays in Barga!

Located on Colle rowing, between Lucca and the Garfagnana, Barga is situated in the middle of the Valle del Serchio. The place is of considerable interest both from the point of view both from a historical point of view.
It 'been recognized as "One of the most beautiful villages in Italy" and obtained marks as tourist really prestigious as the "Orange Flag Touring Club" and "Slow City".

Also famous for being the birthplace of town Pascoli, Barga brings with it an enormous wealth of history and culture found in its most distinctive jewelry.

The "Ponte del Diavolo"

"Ponte del Diavolo or Ponte della Maddalena", is located in the town of Borgo a Mozzano near the Garfagnana. Unites the two sides of the Serchio and its reconstruction was ordered by Castruccio Castracani.
The name of the bridge comes from the popular legend that a manufacturer, taken by the fear of not being able to complete the bridge on time, asked for help to the Devil, who promised to help in one night if that grant the soul of first person to cross the bridge. The builder agreed, but the yield of the accounts, did cross the bridge to a hog, making a mockery of the devil which disappeared from the waters of river. Below is a video that portrays the beautiful Ponte del Diavolo.


  • Duomo di Barga, which is one of the greatest examples of Romanesque style in Italy
  • Church of the Holy Cross
  • Church of San Francesco.
  • Castello di Barga
  • Menci building and Caf?s CAPRETZ
  • Palazzo del Conte Pieracci

The "House of G. Pascoli"

Retains the structure and furnishings until the death of the poet. In addition to its books and manuscripts, in the chapel is still preserved the corpse of the deceased.


Moreover Barga is ideal for those who want to make a holiday dedicated to wellness, relaxation and contact with nature. The town offers delicious gastronomic itineraries and the ability to make long excursions on foot or by bicycle between the maze of Garfagnana.

Bed and Breakfast

Casale sunflowers

Addresses and Phone numbers

Official site of the town Barga