Hospital Lucca

The principals hospital in the area of Lucca and Province are:

USL n '2 Lucca
Via Alessio, Monte San Quirico 55100 (LU) Tel: 0583-9701 toll free number 800-869143
Hospital "Campo di Marte"
Via the Hospital, 55100 Lucca Tel: 0583-9701
Hospital "San Francesco"
Via dei Frati, 55051 Barga (LU) Tel: 0583-7291
Hospital "Santa Croce"
Via dell'Ospedale 2, 55032 Castelnuovo Garfagnana (LU) Tel: 0583-6691
The head office of the USL 2 Lucca is
Via S. Alessio 55,100 Monte San Quirico Lucca
Switchboard tel. 0583 970111 / 0583 9701
The Management tel. 0583.970720 Fax 0583.970768

Official Site -

Donate blood

At the company hospital Usl 2 of Lucca you can donate blood. Today there are over 11,000 people participating in contributing every day to save lives.

E 'can make donations at:

Hospital "Campo di Marte" Lucca
OU Immuneumatologia and Transfusion Medicine
Tel: 0583-970330
Info -

Hospital "San Francesco" Barga
Section Transfusion
Tel: 0583-729233

Ospedale Santa Croce "Castelnuovo Garfagnana
Section Transfusion
Tel: 0583-669680

Center Red Cross Blood Collection of Bagni di Lucca
Tel: 0583-805454

Coordination Donate Organs and Textiles

At the Directorate of Health Hospital of Lucca, Dr Anthony Russo perform the following functions, in order to sensitize people in the donation of organs and tissues:

  • It coordinates the activities of hospital donation and removal of organs and tissues
  • Carries out awareness and information for citizens and for health personnel
  • Handles relations between the families and voluntary associations

Block H
Piazza della Concordia 55100, Lucca
Tel: 0583-970306
Mail: coord.donazione @

Conservation Center corneas

The Conservation Center corneas "Piero Perelli," said task as the assessment, conservation and distribution of corneal tissue certificate suitable for transplant.
The tissue product is used by Sanitary Tuscany Holdings and also by those belonging to other regions, requesting them.
The corneas Conservation Center is a service of Tuscany Transplantation.

Conservation Center corneas
Dr responsible. Claudio Giannarini
Hospital of Lucca
Via Barbantini
55100 Lucca

Tel. 0583 970583
