Local and regional television stations in Lucca

A Lucca and throughout the province are broadcasters who cover the local and regional in Tuscany.

Here we provide the names of television with a small description!

U.S. TV, your television

Grown slowly, we now TV is a regional television broadcasters most. Using six troops outside deal with issues ranging from sport to news and affecting not only the territory of Lucca but of the whole province in general, in particular: Special tg us for events and current affairs, to monitor the events in politics, you Chiaroscuro dedicated to cultural activities, Tell City, Palazzo Ducale and I Besides the Council for the facts of Public Administration, Modem deal with the social and Tg We Sport with other five related dealing with sporting events. Then you add listings devoted to documentaries and cartoons.

Via di Tempagnano 192 Lucca.


Founded in 2000, Reteversilia is a new network, made up of qualified individuals who work hard to keep us updated on the events of the day. From news to sports, from culture to the staff of this network has one eye constantly focused on the world. Being affiliated to the CO.RA.LLO allows it to use some programs broadcast by satellite.

Info - www.reteversilia.com


Born in 1977 in Viareggio, the issuer is now one of the strengths not only the city but throughout the province. With themes that touch topical news, sports and entertainment culture, Teleriviera is also involved in creation of advertising, teleshopping and organizing public ceremonies. Also uses an online journal where You can always be updated on the events of the day and a schedule where you can find time for all programs on the air.

Via Roma, Mass.


E 'one of the best known broadcasters in Tuscany. It occupies the entire province, especially in Florence, Prato, Pistoia, Pisa, Lucca, Massa Carrara and Livorno. On the website you can select the desired province to keep abreast of the latest from the world.



Broadcaster who is responsible for disseminating the information throughout the region especially in the provinces of Lucca and Florence. Giving ample space to all possible topics the network lends greater attention to the facts of current events, news and politics.

Via Lepanto, Prato.