Supermarkets and shopping centers in Lucca

Tourists who is on holiday in Lucca, has a number of supermarkets and large Shopping Malls and delivered, all over the territory!

To save money and buy at discounted prices suggest:

  • portal that tells you how and where to buy at discounted prices


Via Ss, Annunziata 278-55017 Lucca (LU)

Tel: 0583-40471

Esselunga SPA

Viale San Concordio, 665-55100 Lucca (LU)

Tel: 0583-316128

Esselunga (QPA)

Viale Carlo del Prete, 565-55100 Lucca (LU)

Metro Italy

Via Brenner, 1040-55100 Lucca (LU)

Tel: 0583-4981

Supermarkets Together SRL

Via Tigli, 1075-55100, Sant'Anna (LU)

Tel 0583-469315

Mercatone Uno

Via Puccini 1718-55100. Sant'Anna (LU)

Tel: 0583-50611

Media World

Via delle Cornacchia 960, Le Chain 55100 Lucca

Tel :0583-478111